Monday 1 August 2016

Few informative points about GAYATRI MANTRA:-

 Few informative points about GAYATRI MANTRA:- 

1 Each limb of Gayatri has been distilled out from each Veda. It is said in Taittriya Brahamana of Yajur Veda The three fold knowledge was revealed: Rig to the heart of Agni; Yajur to the heart of Vayu and Sama to the heart of Aditya. Thus the All Pervading Lord revealed the three fold knowledge, the three worlds were thus illumined. The earth (Bhu Lok, Prithvi) by the Rig, the Antariksha (Bhuva Lok) by the Yajur and Dev Lok (Svah Lok) by the Sama Veda. 

2 The Gayatri Mantra forms a part of the Rg Veda Samhita, Mandala III, 62 10. 

3 Maithrayani Upanisad explains beautifully the meaning and significance of Gayatri mantra. 

3A represents Brahma Swaroopam which is all the three genders of male, female and napumsaka. It represents the three luminaries of Agni, Vayu and Adityan. It represents the three Gods, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. It represents the three agnis of Garhapadhyam, Dakshinagni and Ahavaneeyam. It represents the three Vedas Rg, Yajur and Sama; the three worlds, Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka and Suvarloka; the three times, the present, past and future;the three heat sources, prana, agni and Surya; the three sources of sustenance of the body food, water and moon; the three ways of thinking buddhi, mind and ahankara; the three dwelling points of life prana, Apana and Vyana. It is also Aksharam, Parma and Aparam. 

4 According to Shounak Rsi, a dwij may or may not do other kinds of worship. He gets liberated by doing Gayatri japa alone and attains all material and spiritual pleasures. Performance of ten thousand japa averts calamity in the hour of crisis. 

5 Sanskrit phrase” Gayantam Triyate iti” (GAYATHRI), and refers to that mantra which rescues the chanter from all adverse situations that may lead to mortality. Gaa= give or song—give is appropriate; antham=till end; Triyathe= Triad or soolam or triedged tool [gayathri, Savithri and Saraswathi ]; IT SHALL GIVE TILL THE END PROTECTION. 

6 One interpretation is that the word Gayatri is derived from the words: - gaya, meaning “vital energies” and - trâyate, meaning “preserves, protects, gives deliverance, grants liberation”. So, the two words "Gayatri Mantra" might be translated as “a prayer of praise that awakens the vital energies and gives liberation and deliverance from ignorance”. 

7 Verily all this creation is Gayatri. Speech is Gayatri; by speech is all this creation preserved. That Gayatri is verily this earth. The Gayatri is verily composed of four feet, and possesseth six characteristics. The creations constitute the glories of Gayatri. That Brahman i. e. the being indicated in the Gayatri, is verily a space which surroundeth mankind. " -(Chhandogya Upanishad: III-xii) 

"Verily man is Yajna (sacrifice). The first twenty-four years of his life constitute the morning ritual (Pratah savana). The Gayatri includes 24 letters and it is the Gayatri through which the morning ritual is performed. " (Chhandogya Upanishad: III-xvi. ) 

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: 
प्रचोदयात् ।। 

9 Original MantraThe mantra originally contained in Rig-Veda, having 24 syllables, reads as: 

Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhurgo Devasya Dheemahi Dheeyo Yo Na Prachodayat 

10 The 24 syllables in the mantra are intended to give the following qualities in physical plane. 

1. 'tat' - tapini - fruitfulness 
2 'sa' - saphalata - valor 
3 'vi' - visshwa - perseverance 
4 'tur' - tushti - welfare 
5 'va' - varada - yoga 
6 're' - revati - love 
7 'ni' - sukshma - wealth 
8 'yam' - jnana - lustre 
9 'bhar' - bharga - protection 
10 'go' - gomati - wisdom 
11 'de' - devika - subjugation 
12 'va' - varahi - allegiance 
13 'sya' - simhani - determination 
14 'dhi' - dhyana - life 
15 'ma' - maryada - time 
16 'hi' - sphutaa - penance 
17 'dhi' - medha - forecast 
18 'yo' - yogamaya - alertness 
19 'yo' - yogini - production 
20 'nah' - dhanin - protection 
21 'pra' - prabhava - idealism 
22 'cho' - ushma - adventure 
23 'da' - drishya - discrimination 
24 'at' - niranjana - service. 

11 Scientific Meaning (sound and light-physics) Against the above backdrop, the scientific interpretation done by Dr. Trucit Vora reads as follows:The Earth (bhur), the planets (bhuvah), and the galaxies (svah) are moving at a very great Velocity, 

the sound produced is AUM, (the name of formless god). 

That god (tat) who manifests Himself in the form of light of sun (savitur) is worthy of our bowing / respect and most adorable (varenyam). 

We therefore, meditate (dheemahi ) upon the light (bhargo) of that deity (devasya) And also do chanting of AUM. 

May he (yo) enlighten and inspire (prachodayat) our (na) intellect (dheeo) 

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