Monday 9 January 2017


VAIKUNTA EKAADASI..... (Significance of Uttara Dwara Darshanam)

Ekaadasi is the 11th lunar day (thithi) of Hindu calendar that occurs twice in a lunar month both in Sukla paksha (bright fortnight) as well as in Krishna paksha (dark fortnight).
That means we get two Ekaadasi days in a lunar month and in a year there will be 24 Ekaadasi days; sometimes even more whenever there is Adhika maasam as per lunar calendar.
Ekaadasi is the most favourite day of Lord Vishnu and that’s why it is also known as Hari-Dina the day dedicated to Lord Sri Hari (Vishnu).
Ekaadasi has attained lot of prominence in Hindu religion as it is the most sacred day prescribed for worshiping Lord Vishnu.
We find devout Hindus observe fasting on Ekaadasi and spend the whole day in spiritual pursuits.
It is said that there is no austerity (vratha) that is equivalent to Ekaadasi Vratha in terms of merits.
Including Padma Purana several sacred scripts have eulogized the significance and merits of Ekaadasi Vratha.

Significance of Vaikunta Ekaadasi
Ekaadasi that occurs in sukla paksha (bright fortnight) of the lunar Month either Margasira maasam or Pushya maasam coinciding with sacred solar month Dhanurmasam is reckoned as Vaikunta Ekaadasi.
Though all Ekaadasi days are equal in merits, Vaikunta Ekaadasi has attained lot of prominence in terms of spirituality as it occurs during Dhanurmasam before the onset of Uttaraayana.
If it occurs in Margasira maasam it is also known as Mokshada Ekaadasi (capable of bestowing salvation) and if it occurs in Pushya maasam it is also called as Puthrada Ekaadasi (capable of bestowing progeny).
According to Padma Purana, Ekaadasi is depicted as the female energy of Lord Vishnu who in the form of a damsel manifested on this day; killed the demon Mura and protected the Indraadi Devathas.
Pleased by this act Lord Vishnu named her as Ekaadasi. He also gave her a boon that whoever worships Ekaadasi and observe fasting on this day would reach His abode Vaikunta and his doors would be open for such people.
What is Vaikunta?
VAIKUNTA is one of the several thousand names of Lord Vishnu and also Vaikunta is His abode. It is the place where He resides along with his consort Goddess Lakshmi Devi resting on Aadisesha.
It is also known as Paramapadam the supreme abode and the most coveted place. It is the sacred abode where every soul would be longing to go and stay eternally.
Nearest reference to Vaikunta we find in Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram sloka # 44 which reads as follows…
Vaikuntah Purushah Praanah Praanadah Pranavah Prithuh
Hiranyagarbhah Shatrughno Vyaapto VaayurAdhokshajah
Lord Vishnu also known as Vaikunta is the remover of obstacles and sins and Vaikunta is the place which removes obstacles. He is the one who has united all the Pancha Bhoothas and made them to co-exist with each other.
He is the Purifier and the one who gives in plenty. He is the primordial person who existed before anything else, and the one who is the cause of the origin and end of the world.
He is the one who outshines everyone. He burns away all the sins of his devotees. He is life giver and is the vital air that gives or sustains life. He is the Praana (life) to everyone including Devathas.
He is the one who makes others bow before Him and the one who deserves to be adored. He is the one who expands himself as Cosmos. He is as pure as Gold. He is the one who delights every one’s heart.
Lord Vaikunta (Vishnu) is the slayer of enemies (Arishadvargas) of people and also destroyer of enemies of Gods.
He is the one who is full of benevolence, love and affection without any discrimination.
He is the one who is omnipresent and there is no single place where he does not exist.
He is the one who manifests himself, never gets diminished and is the all pervasive Supreme God Sriman Naaraayana.


Vaikunta Ekaadasi is also known as Mukkoti Ekaadasi.
Dwaadasi thithi following Vaikunta Ekaadasi is called Mukkoti Dwaadasi.
Mukkoti literally means three crores; it is believed that on this sacred day of Vaikunta Ekaadasi, Lord Brahma along with the Demi Gods (3 crores in number) will have darshan of Lord Vishnu at His abode Vaikunta during Arunodaya kaala.

There is also a spiritual and yogic (Kundalini) significance for Mukkoti Ekaadasi Uttara Dwara Darshanam.
Uttara means north and dwaara means the gate or opening.
Like we have geographical directions (North, South, East, & West) to the world, we also have similar directions to our body.
North is towards our head, south is towards our feet, front portion is east and back portion is west.
On top of the head (skull) we have a hole called Brahma Randhra (Sahasraara Chakra) towards the Northern Direction which is not visible. Since it is in the northern direction it is called Northern gate of the human body.
It is said that one should visualize the image of God through the route of...
Ida; Pingala Naadi (which run through left and right nostrils) and Sushumna Naadi (running through centre of the nose)
concentrating at midpoint of the eyebrows called Jnaana Nethra
where Aajna chakra is located;
take it further upwards to the centre of the head where
Sahasraara chakra is located and
have darshan of the God through the door that gets opened
Brahma Randhra when we meditate.
This is how one should visualize God even during daily prayers or whenever one visits a temple.
Since it is through the route of the confluence of three naadis (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) taken further north towards the Sahasraara Chakra it is called Mukkoti.
Koti also means an angle; a knot; an edge and Mu means tying or binding.
Having darshan of the Lord from an angle where the three Naadi’s meet is spiritually known as Uttara dwaara darshanam and the day is known as Mukkoti Ekaadasi.
There are fourteen lokaas (worlds) in this Universe; seven above (including Earth) and seven below.
Above the Earth are called Uurdhwa Lokaas which are in the Northern direction and Vaikunta is one among them in the Northern direction.
Darshan of the lord of Vaikunta (which is in the northern direction) Lord Vishnu on this day which is nearer to Uttaraayana the most auspicious time also catches significance for Uttara dwaara darshana.
On this most sacred day of Mukkoti Ekaadasi one should have darshan of the Lord in this form and to give significance to this concept perhaps all temples provide darshan of the Lord on this day through the northern entrance that is popularly known as Uttara dwaara darshanam.
What can be done on this day?
Worshiping Lord Vishnu (according to ones’ sampradaya) along with Goddess Lakshmi on this day as well as on the next day (Mukkoti Dwaadasi) during Arunodaya kaala is prescribed.
Total fasting (nirjala upavaasa) is prescribed on any Ekaadasi day and more so if it is Vaikunta Ekaadasi.
One can undertake fasting according to one’s physical fitness.
Fasting becomes futile if it is not accompanied by sincere prayer and meditation.
Prayer & Parayana...
According to one’s sampradaya one may choose any of the Vishnu related prayers like Vishnu Sahasranama Stothram etc.
Those who cannot read can chant at least, Narayana Ashtakshari or Dwadasaakshari or Raama Naama or Naama Thraya Japa, Hare Raama-Hare Krishna manthra as many number of times as possible.
It is befitting, auspicious to worship Lord Sri ManNaaraayana along with Goddess Lakshmi and also have Uttara Dwaara darshanam (both physically and spiritually) of the Lord on this sacred day of Vaikunta Ekaadasi.
Special celebrations are held on this occasion at all Vishnu related temples especially at Tirumala Kshethra, Sri Rangam, Bhadrachalam etc… where thousands of devotees gather to have the Uttara Dwaara darshanam of the Lord.


Sampathkumar Makaram

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