Friday 10 August 2018

Incidents in the Life of Swamy Ramanuja


Many incidents in the Life of Swamy Ramanuja were held when his age was being in the multiples of 2 examples

2 x 8 = 16th year – Swami got married & entered gruhasta ashram in (1033 AD)

2 x 9 = 18th year – Swamy accompanied by his guru Yadhava Praksha went to Kasi yatra in (1035 AD)

2 x 16 = 32nd year – Swamy under took Sanyasa ashramam at Kanchi & became “Yathiraja” in (1049 AD)

2 x 32 = 64th year – Swamy won over Yagna moorthy after 18
days debate in (1081 AD),and gave him the title “Arulala perumal Emperumanaarwho gave us Gyana saaram & Prameya saram

2 x 35 = 70th year – Swamy along with Koorthalwan in(1087 A D) and others travelled to Kashmir to get the “Bodhayana Vritti” to author Sri Bashyam

2 x 36 = 72nd year – Swamy Ramanuja blessed us with “Sri
Bashyam”, “Geetha bashyam”,”Vedantha saram”, “Vedantha
Deepam”and “Vedanthasangraham”.& also started his divya desam Yatra in (1089 AD)

2 x 37 = 74th year – Swamy became acharya to “Thirukurungudi Nambi” and named the lord as “Vaishnava Nambi” & established “Ramanuja Matam” there in (1091 AD)

2 x 38 = 76th year – Swamy got his titile as “Bhashyakarar” from Sri Saraswathi Devi (1093 AD )

2 x 40 = 80th year – Swamy Ramanuja leaves Sri Rangam,(1097 A D) due to Kirumi Kanda Chozan and travels to Karnataka(Mel Naadu)

2 x 41 = 82nd year – Swamy Ramanuja with the help of the KingVishnu Vardhan located the moolavar lord Thirunarayanan in the year Bagudhanya (1099 AD) & performed consecration at

2 x 50 = 100th year – Swami Ramanuja with Mudaliandan in the year Helavilambi (1117 A D ) did Pancha Narayana Pratishtai which constitute Keerthi Naryanan, Nambi Narayanan, Veera Narayanan, Sowmya Narayanan & Kesava Naryanan

2x 60 = 120th year – Swamy Ramanuja completed his task inthisBhooloka, and entered the eternal abode Sri Vaikuntam, on the Pingala Year (1137 AD)

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan

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