Wednesday 14 September 2016



Introduction for this pAsuram from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s 
nammAzhwAr enjoys the most glorious bhagavAn fully and out of great devotion caused by such experience, reveals his experience to others.
 nanjIyar‘s introduction
bhagavAn srIman nArAyaNan who is opposite to all defects and the abode of all auspicious qualities, being the master of nithyasUris (in paramapadham, out of his unconditional grace, blessed nammAzhwAr with pristine knowledge and devotion towards him. Being blessed, nammAzhwAr starts engaging in service of such bhagavAn. Thus, in the beginning of the prabandham itself, (auspicious aspects such as ) the object of glorification and reverential bowing down are highlighted.
In this pAsuram, the summary of first padhigam (decad) is explained. In this first pAsuram, existence of unlimited auspicious qualities, unconditional mercy, controlling the nithyasUris and having eternal auspicious forms – all of these which reveal the supremacy of emperumAn is revealed. Having said so, nammAzhwAr directs his heart to always serve such emperumAn.
 nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai
nammAzhwAr first highlights the 3 main favours that are done by emperumAn towards him. First emperumAn favoured AzhwAr by showing his true nature of being filled with auspicious qualities. Then, even though AzhwAr did not have anything on his side,  emperumAn blessed him with divine knowledge and devotion towards him out of his causeless mercy. Then he showed that he is the master of nithyasUris. Being favoured like this, AzhwAr directs his heart to come and serve him eternally. 
AzhwAr asks his heart to bow down to bhagavAn to be uplifted. Just like when a river starts flooding nearby fields, the trees which stay still will be uprooted but the plants, etc., which bend and tackle the flood will survive, after understanding the glories of bhagavAn, if one bows down in front of him, he will be uplifted.
Just like lakshmaNa said he is overwhelmed with srI rAma’s auspicious qualities and became a servant to him, AzhwAr also reveals his attachment towards emperumAn and thus becoming a servant to him.
Since, bhagavAn showed his auspicious qualities to AzhwAr to win over him, AzhwAr too engages in glorifiying bhagavAn‘s auspicious qualities right in the beginning.

ಉಯರ್ ವರ   ಉಯರ್ ನಲಂ  ಉದೈಯವನ ಯವನ್  ಅವನ್
ಮಯರ್ ವರ  ಮಧಿನಲಂ   ಅರುಳಿನಂ  ಯವನ್  ಅವನ್
ಅಯರ್ ವರುಮ್   ಅಮರರ್ಗಳ್  ಅಧಿಪತಿ  ಯವನ್  ಅವನ್
ತೂಯರರು  ಸುಡರೊಡಿ  ತೋಜ್ಹುದ್ಹೇಳು  ಯನ್  ಮನಮೇ

 Transalation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

Oh my mind! Bow down with folded hands at the lotus feet of emperumAn and be uplifted.emperumAn is the famous one highlighted in authentic scriptures  who has unexplainable greatness which makes all other greatness non-existing. He is the one who blessed me out of his unconditional grace that dispelled my ignorance completely. He is the undisputable master of the nithyasUris who have no defects such as forgetful nature, etc.
In the first line, “nalam” indicates the unlimited bliss or those auspicious qualities that lead to the unlimited bliss of bhagavAn . In the second line, “nalam” indicates devotional friendship withbhagavAn.
Each line ending with “avan” in the end is joined with the last line and explained as well. i.e., Oh mind! bow down at the lotus feet of the one who is filled with auspicious qualities and be uplifted. Oh mind! bow down at the one lotus feet of the who bestowed me true knowledge and devotion and be uplifted. Oh mind! bow down at the one lotus feet of the who is the master of nithyasUris and be uplifted.
Also, this pAsuram reveals the essence of thirumanthram. praNavam which reveals the master-servant relationship between paramAthmA and jIvAthmA is explained in first line as it explainsbhagavAn being supreme to everyone, nama: – him being upAyam is explained by the second line as it explains bhagavAn bestowing true knowledge/devotion to AzhwAr and finally nArAyaNAya is explained the 3rd and 4th lines – the ultimate goal of paramapadham (3rd line) and kainkaryam (4th line).
For more details refer

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