Thursday 6 October 2016

Sri Ramachandrashtakam and Sri Sita Rama Stotram By Lord Hanuman

Sri Ramachandrashtakam

Sri Ramachandra Ashtakam this stotra addressed to Lord Rama. Worshiping Sree Ram by chanting Ramachandrashtakam on Thursays will help to enhance self-esteem, will power, mental strength and the ability to get rid of vices.

1) Sugreeva Mithram, Paramam Pavithram,
Sita Kalathram, Nava Megha Gathram,
Karunya Pathram, Sathapathra Nethram,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಸುಗ್ರೀವ  ಮಿತ್ರಮ್ , ಪರಮಾಂ  ಪವಿತ್ರಮ್ ,
ಸೀತ  ಕಳತ್ರಮ್ , ನವ  ಮೇಘ  ಗಾತ್ರಮ್ ,
ಕಾರುಣ್ಯ  ಪಾತ್ರಮ್ , ಶಥಪತ್ರ  ನೇತ್ರಮ್ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who is the friend of Sugreeva,
Who is absolutely holy,
Who is the consort of Sita,
Who is of the colour of the new clouds,
Who is the storehouse of mercy,
And who has eyes like the lotus leaf

2) Samsara Saram, Nigama Pracharam,
Dharmavatharam, Hrudha Bhoomi Bharam,
Sada Nirvikaram, Sukha Sindu Saram,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಸಂಸಾರ  ಸಾರಂ , ನಿಗಮ  ಪ್ರಚಾರಾಂ ,
ಧರ್ಮಾವತಾರಂ , ಹೃದಾ  ಭೂಮಿ  ಭಾರಂ ,
ಸದಾ  ನಿರ್ವಿಕಾರಂ , ಸುಖ  ಸಿಂಧೂ  ಸಾರಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who is essence of everyday life,
Who is being talked about by Vedas,
Who is the incarnation of justice,
Who fills the land of  our heart,
Who is constantly unperturbed,
Who is the essence of the sea of pleasure

3) Lakshmi Vilasam, Jagatho Nivasam,
Bhoodeva Vasam, Saradindu Hasam,
Lanka Vinasam, Buhuvana Prakasam,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಿ  ವಿಲಾಸಂ , ಜಗತೋ  ನಿವಾಸಂ ,
ಭೂದೇವ  ವಾಸಂ , ಶರದಿಂದು   ಹಾಸಂ ,
ಲಂಕಾ  ವಿನಾಶಂ , ಬಹುವನ  ಪ್ರಕಾಶಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who is the place where Lakshmi plays,
Who lives every where in this world,
Who is being meditated by  the gods of earth ,
Whose smile is like the autumn moon,
Who destroyed the city of  Lanka,
And who makes this world shine.

4) Mandhara maalam vachane rasalam,
Gunair visalam, hrutha saptha jalam,
Kravyadha kalam, suraloka palam,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಮಂಧಾರ  ಮಾಲಂ  ವಚನೇ  ರಸಾಲಂ ,
ಗುಣೈರ್  ವಿಶಾಲಂ , ಹೃತಾ  ಸಪ್ತ  ಜಾಲಾಂ ,
ಕ್ರವ್ಯಾಧ  ಕಾಲಂ , ಸುರಲೋಖ   ಪಾಲಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who wears the garland of flowers,
Who  makes his words attractive,
Who has a great breadth of character,
Who cuts of the seven nets of bondage,
Who is the god of death to Asuras,
And who takes care of the world of devas.

5) Vedantha gnanam, sakale samanam,
Hrudhari manam, drutha sapradanam,
Gajendra yanam, vikalavasanam,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ವೇದಾಂತ  ಜ್ಞಾನಂ , ಸಕಲೇ  ಸಮಾನಂ ,
ಹೃಧಾರಿ  ಮನಂ , ದ್ರುತ  ಸಂಪ್ರದಾನಂ ,
ಗಜೇಂದ್ರ  ಯಾನಂ , ವಿಕಲವಸನಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who has expert knowledge of Vedantha,
Who treats every body as equal,
Who is the sea of respectability,
Who grants favours quickly,
Who moves on an elephant,
And who puts an end to fear.

6) Shyamabhi ramam  nayanabhiramam,
Gunabhiramam, vachasabhiramam,
Viswa pranamam, krutha bhaktha kamam,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಶ್ಯಾಮಾಭಿ   ರಾಮಮ್   ನಯನಾಭಿರಾಮಮ್ ,
ಗುಣಾಭಿರಾಮಮ್ , ವಚಸಾಭಿರಾಮಮ್ ,
ವಿಶ್ವ  ಪ್ರಣಾಮಂ , ಕೃತ  ಭಕ್ತ  ಕಾಮಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who is the black coloured Rama,
Who is ever pretty to the eyes,
Who has sterling attractive qualities,
Who talks attractive words,
Who is the model for the universe,
And who fulfills the wishes of devotees.

7) Leela sareeram  rana ranga dheeram,
Viswaika veeram, raghu vamsa haram,
Gambheera nadaham, jitha sarva vaadam,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಲೀಲಾ  ಶರೀರಂ   ರಣ  ರಂಗ  ಧೀರಂ ,
ವಿಶ್ವವೈಕ ವೀರಂ , ರಘು  ವಂಶ  ಹಾರಂ,
ಗಂಭೀರಾ  ನಾದಂ  , ಜಿಥ  ಸರ್ವ  ವಾದಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who has a very playful pretty body,
Who is heroic in the battle field,
Who is the greatest hero in the universe,
Who is the garland to the clan of Raghu,
Who is a majestic voice,
And who wins all arguments.

8) Khaledhi bheetham, sujana vineetham,
Samopageetham, swakule pradeeptham,
Tharabra geetham, vachanath atheetham,
Sriramachandram Sathatham Namami
ಖಾಲೇಧಿ   ಭೀತಂ , ಸುಜನಾ  ವಿನೀತಂ ,
ಸಾಮೋಪಾಗೀತಂ , ಸ್ವಕುಲೆ  ಪ್ರದೀಪ್ತಮ್ ,
ತಾರಬ್ರ  ಗೀತಂ , ವಚಾನಾತ್  ಅತೀತಂ ,
ಶ್ರೀರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್  ಸತತಂ  ನಮಾಮಿ
I constantly salute that Lord Ramachandra,
Who is fearful to the wicked person,
Who is extremely submissive to the good person,
Who is near to those who sing about him,
Who shines greatly in his clan,
Who is the song of the stars in the sky,
And who is much beyond words.
9) Lasad Chandra Koti Prakasadfhi Peete,
Samaseenamange Samadhata Seetham,
Shurath Hema Varnam Thadith Punja Bhasam,
Bhaje Ramachandram, Nivrutharthi Thanthram
ಲಸಾದ್  ಚಂದ್ರ  ಕೋಟಿ  ಪ್ರಕಾಶಾದ್ಫ್ಹಿ  ಪೀತೆ ,
ಸಮಾಸೀನಮಾನ್ಗೆ  ಸಮಧಾತ  ಸೀತಂ ,
ಶುರತ್  ಹೇಮಾ  ವರ್ಣಮ್  ತಾಡಿತ್ ಪುಂಜ  ಭಾಸಂ,
ಭಜೇ  ರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಮ್ , ನಿವೃತಾರ್ಥಿ  ತಂತ್ರಮ್
I salute that Ramachandra,
Who is devoid of all misery and sorrow,
Who sits on the throne with
The brilliance, of billions of moons,
Along with Sita who shines
Like lightning with the colour of gold

Sri Sita Rama sth

otram             By    Lord Hanuman
ಶ್ರೀ ಹನುಮನ್ತಧ್ವಿರಚಿತ      ಶ್ರೀ  ಸೀತ  ರಾಮ  ಸ್ತೋತ್ರಂ
 (  This stotra is a joint prayer to Rama and Sita. The first and third lines of every verse describe Rama’s qualities and the second and fourth line of every worse describes Sita’s qualities. In the work itself there is a reference that it is written by Lord Hanuman.)

Ayodhya pura netharam,                      Mithila pura nayikam,
Raghavanam alankaram,                        Vaidehanam malankriyam
ಅಯೋಧ್ಯಾ  ಪುರ  ನೇತಾರಮ್ ,       ಮಿಥಿಲಾ  ಪುರ  ನಾಯಿಕಾಂ ,
ರಾಘವನಾಂ  ಅಲಂಕಾರಂ ,            ವೈದೇಹಾನಾಂ  ಅಲಂಕ್ರಿಯಾಂ 
Leader of the city of Ayodhya,  Leader of the city of  Mithila,
Ornament to the clan of Raghu, And ornament to the family of Vidheha.

Raghoonam kula dheepam cha,              Nimeenam kula dheepikam,
Soorya vamsa samudh bhootham,          Soma vamsa samudh bhavam
ರಘೋ ಣಾಮ್     ಕುಲ  ದೀಪಂ  ,   ನಿಮೀನಾಂ  ಕುಲ  ದೀಪಿಕಾಂ ,
ಸೂರ್ಯ  ವಂಶ  ಸಮುದ್  ಭೂತಂ ,    ಸೋಮ  ವಂಶ  ಸಮುದ್  ಭವಾಂ 
The light of the clan of Raghu,  The light of the family of Nimi,
Born in the clan started by the Sun God,       Born in the family started by the moon God.

Puthram Dasaradasyadyam ,                 Puthreem Janaka Bhoopathe,
Vasishtanu mathacharam,                     Sathananda mathanugam
ಪುತ್ರಂ  ದಶರಥಸ್ಯಾದ್ಯಮ್   ,                         ಪುತ್ರೀಂ  ಜನಕ  ಭೂಪತೇ :  ,
ವಸಿಷ್ಠಾನುಮತಾಚಾರಂ ,                               ಶತಾನಂದ  ಮತಾನುಗಾಂ  
Son of Dasaratha,                               Daughter of Janaka,
Followed wishes of Vasishta                Obeyed the wihes of Sadananda.

Kousalya  Garbha sambhootham,           Vedi Garbhoditham swayam,
Pundareeka Visalaksham,                      Sphurat indhee varekshanam
ಕೌಸಲ್ಯಾ   ಗರ್ಭಸಂಭೂತಂ ,          ವೇದಿ  ಗರ್ಭೂದಿ ತಾಂ   ಸ್ವಯಂ ,
ಪುಂಡರೀಕ    ವಿಶಾಲಾಕ್ಷಮ್ ,         ಸ್ಫುರತ್  ಇಂದೀ  ವರೇಕ್ಷಣಾಮ್        
Born to the queen Kousalya,       Rose from the Yagna floor herself,
One who has lotus like eyes,      One who has eyes like fully open Indivara flowers.

Chandra kanthaananambhojam,             Chandra bhimbo  up mananaam,
Matha mathanga Gamanam,                  Matha hamsa vadhoo gathim
ಚಂದ್ರ  ಕಾಂತಾನನಂ ಭೋಜಂ ,        ಚಂದ್ರ  ಬಿಂಬೋಪಮಾನನಾಮ್,
ಮತ್ತಮಾತಂಗ  ಗಮನಂ ,            ಮತ್ತ  ಹಂಸ  ವಧೂಗ ತಾಂ
Was like Lotus flower opened by chandra Kantha,  
One who can be compared to the face of Moon,
One who walks like an active elephant, One who walks like an active swan.

Chandana ardhra bhuja madhyam,        Kunkumardhra kucha sthalim,
Chapalankrutha hasthabhjam,              Padmalankrutha panikam
ಚಂದನಾರ್ಧ್ರ  ಭುಜಾಮಧ್ಯಂ,          ಕುಂಕುಮಾರ್ಧ್ರ ಕುಚಸ್ಥಲೀಮ್ ,
ಚಾಪಾಲಂಕೃತ  ಹಸ್ತಾಭ್ಜಂ     ,           ಪದ್ಮಾಲಂಕೃತ  ಪಾಣಿಕಾಂ 
One who applies sandal on his chest,   
One who decorates her breasts with saffron,
One who has a rope in his hands,        
One whose hand is decorated by Lotus flower.

Saranagatha goptharam,                      Pranipada prasadhikam,
Kala megha nibhakaram,                       Kaartha swara sama prabham
ಶರಣಾಗತ  ಗೋಪ್ತಾರಂ ,             ಪ್ರಾಣಿಪದ  ಪ್ರಸಾಧಿಕಂ ,
ಕಾಲಮೇಘ  ನಿಭಂ ರಾಮಂ,            ಕಾರ್ತ  ಸ್ವರ  ಮಯ  ಪ್ರ ಭಾಮ್
One who protects those who surrender,       
One who is pleased with their devotion,
One who is of the colour of dark cloud,          One who shines like Gold.

Divya simhasanaaseenam,                     Divya srag vasthra bhooshanaam,
Anukshanam kadakshabhyam,               Anyonya  kshana kamkshinou
ದಿವ್ಯಸಿಂಹಾಸನಾಸೀನಂ  ,             ದಿವ್ಯ  ಸ್ರಗ್ವಸ್ತ್ರ   ಭೂಷಣಾಮ್ ,
ಅನುಕ್ಷಣ   ಕಟಾಕ್ಷಾಭ್ಯಾಮ್  ,          ಅನ್ಯೋನ್ಯೇಕ್ಷಣ  ಕಾಂಕ್ಷಿನೌ
One who sits on the divine throne,      One who wears divine garlands and cloth,
One who glances every second,            One who desires invitations from each other.

Anyonya sadrusa kaarou,                      Trilokya graha dampathi,
Imou yuvam pranamyaham,                   Bajamyadhya krutharthadham
ಅನ್ಯೋನ್ಯ  ಸದೃಶಾಕಾರೌ ,           ತ್ರೈಲೋಕ್ಯ  ಗೃಹದಂಪತೀ,
ಇಮೌ  ಯುವಾಂ  ಪ್ರಣಮ್ಯಾಹಂ  ,     ಭಜಾಮ್ಯದ್ಯ  ಕೃತಾರ್ಥತಾಮ್ 
Form resembling each other,              
They are the great couple of the three worlds,
And I salute both of them,                 And with gratefulness sing their praise.

Anaya sthouthi yad sthuthya,              Ramam Seetham cha bhakthitha,
Thasya thou thanutham preethou,       Sampada sakala aapi
ಅನೇನಸ್ಟೌತಿಯಸ್ತುತ್ಯಮ್ ,            ರಾಮಂ  ಸೀತಾಮ್    ಭಕ್ತಿತ : ,
ತಸ್ಯ  ತೌ  ತನು ತಾಂ ಪುಣ್ಯಾ:,       ಸಂಪದಸಕಲಾ    ಆಪಿ
The problems of him who prays,          Rama as well as Sita with devotion,
Would vanish and he would become dear to them,    And he will earn all sorts of wealth.

Yevam Sri  ramachandrasya,                Janakyascha viseshatha,
Krutha Hanumatha punya,                    Sthotram sadhyo vimukthidha
ಏವಂ  ಶ್ರೀ   ರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಸ್ಯ ,        ಜಾನಕ್ಯಾಶ್ಚ  ವಿಶೇಷತ: ,
ಕೃತಂ  ಹನುಮತಾ   ಪುಣ್ಯಂ  ,       ಸ್ಟ್ಹೋತ್ರಂ ಸದ್ಯೋ  ವಿಮುಕ್ತಿಧಂ
These descriptions of Ramachandra,    and also that of Janaki,
Were given by the holy Hanuman,        He who prays using it,

Yah paateth prataruthaya                   sarvaan kaaman avapnuyath
Yah edham patathi stotram                 mythili ramachandrayoh
Sri vaikuntamavapnoti                         sa naroo hatakilbsha
ಯಃ  ಪಠೇತ್   ಪ್ರಾತರುತ್ಥಾಯ        ಸರ್ವಾನ್  ಕಾಮಾನ್  ಅವಾಪ್ನುಯಾತ್  
ಯಃ  ಇಧಂ   ಪಠತಿ   ಸ್ತೋತ್ರಂ       ಮೈಥಿಲೀ ರಾಮಚಂದ್ರಯೋ:
ಶ್ರೀ  ವೈಕುಂಠಮವಾಪ ನೋತಿ           ನರೋ  ಹತಕಿಲ್ಬಿಷ:
Reciting this in the early morning all wishes will statisfy,
Reciting this sthotram of Mythili Ramachandra will attain the Sri Vaikunta at the end.

Shuba masthu ಶುಭ  ಮಸ್ತು

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